TKA Athletics Vision
The King’s Academy is a Christian school where Jesus Christ is preeminent in all of our relationships and where His Word is our standard. The vision of The King’s Academy is “to produce academic, social, and physical excellence through a program where minds and hearts are coming fully alive in Christ.” At TKA, we seek to assist Christian families in developing godly young men and women through athletics in a distinctively Christian environment. Our athletic program’s mission is an extension of the TKA mission. Thus, the TKA athletic program is not a separate arena to be governed by the world’s standards. With this in mind, our goal is to promote Christ-like character through athletic excellence. For more information, please refer to the Athletic Policy Handbook link located in the right menu bar.
The King's Academy Lions are members of the South Carolina Independent Schools Association.
Every student's health and immunization record needs to be current and on file at the school. To participate in any team sport both a SCISA pre-participation health assessment signed by a parent, and a SCISA medical examination form completed and signed by a physician must be turned in before the first practice.
NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) regulates many college athletic programs. The NCAA has established rules on eligibility, recruiting, and financial aid. There are three membership divisions within the NCAA - Division I, Division II, and Division III. Institutions are members of one or another division according to the size and scope of their athletic programs and whether they provide athletic scholarships. The King's Academy qualifies for Division III. If you are planning to enroll in college as a freshman and you wish to participate in Division I or Division II athletics, you must be certified by the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. You should plan to start the certification process early, usually the end of your junior year in high school. Contact TKA Guidance Counselor Karen Graham at or call 843-661-7464 for an application.