Financial Aid
In order to apply, students must be fully enrolled for the upcoming school year.
We utilize the online service of Financial Aid for School Tuition (FAST) to process applications. FAST will be the standard submission format for all financial aid applications.
FAST does not decide whether financial assistance will be given or how much to give; rather FAST provides a need-based financial aid analysis service which includes a recommendation of what a family should reasonably contribute toward tuition. All information from FAST is kept confidential. Results are reviewed by the Financial Aid Committee, which makes recommendations to the school based on the availability of funds.
As a reminder, you must reapply each year. To start the process, please do the following:
Click here to access the "FAST" application.
Select Start Application.
The application process is self-guided. You may navigate in and out of the program allowing you to partially complete an application and go back to it at another time by accessing the link and resuming application.
Online e-mail and a 24/7 helpline is provided. Please do not call the school with questions. The FAST helpline will be better equipped to answer your questions.
There will be a charge assessed by FAST, which must be paid by credit card at the end of the session.
After completing the online application you will be required to mail your previous year's tax returns for both state and federal taxes with all schedules and W-2’s to:
Independent School Management
Attn: FAST Processing Center
1316 North Union Street
Wilmington DE 19806-2594
The Financial Aid applications will be accepted from the first day of open enrollment until the last day of March.
The online submission deadline for all applications is the last day of March.
Your prior year's tax return must follow the submission and be postmarked by April 15.
The Mission of the Financial Aid Committee is to receive applications for financial assistance, to determine the need for financial aid and to distribute financial aid/scholarships to families that have completed an application for financial aid through the FAST program.
Financial aid will be distributed according to the biblical principles from James 1:27. The order of consideration will be first to the widow, then to the orphan, those called to full-time ministry and then to full-time missionaries. Consideration will be given to families with unusual medical expenses, loss of job, to single parent households and other situations causing extraordinary financial burdens. Families with four or more children will also be given consideration. When considering the distribution of scholarship, The King’s Academy will adhere to the following guidelines:
Applications for financial assistance will not be considered until all requested information has been submitted.
No requests for financial assistance shall be entertained or determined by persons other than the school’s Financial Aid Committee.
Parents must demonstrate an understanding of and desire for Christian education.
Eligibility for financial aid shall be based upon genuine, demonstrated need and space available in the classroom.
Parents must be willing and able to pay the Application and Registration Fees prior to any financial aid award. Financial aid awards are applied to the tuition payments only; all fees, including Enrollment Deposit, are the responsibility of the parent.
Once financial aid is granted, it is continued only as the family receiving aid keeps up with their monthly payments.
Continuing good behavior by the student both on and off campus is required, or the remainder of the aid award may be withdrawn upon written notice.
Parents receiving financial aid are expected to be actively involved in fundraisers and volunteerism that promotes the school.
Parents must demonstrate on a continuing basis a supportive attitude toward the school administration and staff, or the remainder of the aid award may be withdrawn from their children upon written notice.
In cases where the applicant is divorced, normally the assets of both parents will be considered in the Financial Aid Committee’s review if parents have joint custody. If the custodial parent has remarried, normally the assets of the stepparent will be included in the Committee’s review. If someone else is financially responsible for the student, that person should complete the aid form and explain his/her relationship to the student.
Parents are expected to try to pay more toward their children’s tuition if their financial situation improves during the year so that additional families may be helped.
If the student withdraws from the school during the year, the Scholarship Fund shall retain all unused portions of the aid. If the student receives additional funding from an outside source (e.g. grant, credit), the total amount of the award may be adjusted.
Financial aid is not automatically renewable for a new school year. Families must reapply for aid for each school year.
The Financial Aid Committee will keep the information provided by the parent (or custodian) in strict confidentiality.