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Scholarship Funds


The King's Academy depends upon the generosity of parents, grandparents, TKA staff, Board of Trustees, and friends to provide opportunities for TKA students to become all God wants them to be. Gifts to these scholarship funds are tax-deductible.

Five scholarship funds have been developed to assist families with financial needs in their desire to send their child(ren) to The King’s Academy by providing tuition assistance. Each spring, the Financial Aid Committee meets to allocate the money in these funds to families who have applied for assistance. Income, expenses, number of children, and special circumstances (i.e. widowed or single-parent status) are considered by the committee when allocating these funds.

Click Here to Access the Financial Aid Application 

The General Scholarship Fund 

  • This fund provides tuition assistance.

The Celebratory Scholarship Fund 

  • This fund was established in memory of Elizabeth Jones, the mother of two TKA graduates, West (2004) and Carol (2005). The Jones family desires this fund to be a celebration of the work of God that was so evident in Elizabeth’s life by providing tuition assistance.

Mission Trip Scholarship Fund

  • Each year, TKA sends middle and high school students on local, national and international missions outreaches. This fund was established to assist students with the expenses associated with national and international trips. Teams have served in Mexico, Trinidad, New York, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Barcelona, Ethiopia, Switzerland, Italy, Belize, Argentina, Germany, Holland, India, Israel, France, Guatemala, Ukraine, Ireland, West Virginia, Bosnia, London, Tanzania, Haiti, Honduras, El Paso, St. Croix, Seattle, Los Angeles, Washington, D. C. as well as fifteen local sites.

The Discovery Scholarship Fund 

  • This fund assists students receiving educational therapy enrolled in the Discovery Program at TKA.

Contact the Development Office



Jennifer Hoover, Director
The King's Academy 
1015 South Ebenezer Rd
Florence, SC 29501



Development - ext. 127


